Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: 2008.05.14 00:39:31    Temat postu:

How you do it ?
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 21:17:53    Temat postu:

alberto: maybe You sold Colt to Poland ? Very Happy
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 17:17:22    Temat postu:

I thought that when Col't owner looks at damaged Mitsubishi his soult hurts in metaphorical way Wink
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 16:17:54    Temat postu:

what it hurts? I had thanks airbag only slight injuries, by the seatbelt, I have a blue stressed to the thorax only slight injuries

last photo

PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 15:58:25    Temat postu:

Don't show us so drastic views! It hurts Very Happy
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 13:36:44    Temat postu:

the colt has already been sold, I come from germany and I wanted to show my colt damaged.
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 10:41:31    Temat postu:

Magicians like one in this joke:

Przywiózł Polak sztrucla z niemiec i zawiozl go do warsztatu. Na lawecie
samochod wyglada jak kupa zlomu.
- O w morde - mowi mechanik - niezle trzasniety. Bedzie za dwa tygodnie.
Po tygodniu telefon. Dzwoni mechanik:
- Panie, jest problem. Co to za marka?
- A czemu?
- No bo jakbym tego gowna nie klepal, wychodzi przystanek autobusowy...

Very Happy

It's about guy who bought crashed car in Germany, took it to polish service and leave to rapair. Mechanic call him a few days later and tells that in every way he try to repair it he makes bus stop insted of car Very Happy

I hope I translated it with sense...

BTW: Alberto, where are You from? Your name tells me "Italy" but Your language "Germany". Maby somewhere alse?
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 10:15:14    Temat postu:

ooaah... Neutral there is chance to repair your Colt. We have many magic specialists in Poland :]
PostWysłany: 2008.05.06 06:56:48    Temat postu:

Oh. It looks awful. It had to be a big tree Wink
PostWysłany: 2008.05.05 23:50:45    Temat postu: colt malibu crash photo

my colt Crying or Very sad

crash in three 60 kmh

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